Powder mixtures for metal casting

Powder mixtures for continuous pouring of steel. Depending on their purpose, the mixtures are divided into two groups: I GROUP. Powder mixtures for the crystallizers of continuous steel casting machines Liquotherm S – for continuous pouring of slabs; Liquoterm B – for continuous pouring of blooms and varietal blanks; Powdered slag-forming mixtures are used in continuous pouring of steel with a protective immersion tube between the intermediate bucket and the crystallizer depending on the particular conditions of continuous pouring. During steel pouring, powder mixtures gradually melt on the surface of liquid steel in the crystallizer, performing the following technological functions: – thermal insulation of the metal in the crystallizer; – protection of liquid steel from secondary oxidation; – absorption of non-metallic inclusions; – lubricating the walls of the crystallizer; – ensuring uniform removal of heat from the metal to the crystallizer;
II GROUP. Powder mixtures for the intermediate buckets of continuous steel casting machines. Liquotherm TN – for warm intermediate buckets; Liquoterm T – universal for warm and cold intermediate buckets; The powdery slag-forming and heat-insulating mixtures for protecting the metal in the intermediate bucket of the MHRS perform the following technological functions: – thermal insulation of the metal in the intermediate bucket; – protection of liquid steel from secondary oxidation; -absorption of the non-metallic inclusions that floated out of the metal; Liquoterm powder slag-forming mixtures guarantee the production of quality continuously cast slabs, blooms and grade blanks with a dense surface crust without defects and slag deposits, which in turn guarantees high quality of the finished rolled products.
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