About Us
“Refran” EOOD is a company with many years of experience in the production of refractory, insulation and construction materials and products, powder mixtures for metallurgy, environmental projects. The company holds certificates for the design, production and trade of fire-resistant, construction and insulation materials. The production and storage facilities are located on a total area of 2000 m² in Elin Pelin station – Sofia and Kremikovtsi district in the city of Sofia. Production is mainly intended for the needs of metallurgy, energy and construction. The company has modern and diverse equipment. For its production, it uses high-quality imported and local raw materials and technologies based on the latest trends in the development of the industry.
Since 2008, the activity of REFRAN EOOD also includes the construction and repair of heat-stressed objects in metallurgy, chemistry and energy. Over the past five years, we have carried out capital and partial repairs of furnaces and dryers in Aurubis Bulgaria AD, KCM AD Plovdiv, BA Glass Bulgaria AD, ETEM Bulgaria AD, Ekometal Engineering OOD, DG PBZN – Ministry of Interior – Sofia, Wolf and Muller OOD , Toplofikatsia Sofia AD, Stomana Industry AD – Pernik, Lismontagens S. A. – Portugal, and many others